Summary: Even the love of her boyfriend, Xavier Woods, and her archangel siblings, Gabriel and Ivy, can’t keep the angel Bethany Church from being tricked into a motorcycle ride that ends up in Hell. There, Jake Thorn bargains for Beth’s release back to Earth. But what he asks of her will destroy her, and quite possibly her loved ones as well. Can he be trusted in this wager? And what does Jake have Xavier believing about Beth’s fate that may result in an act of betrayal that will leave Bethany – and readers – wondering if Xavier is so good after all?
Like I said, I loved Halo and I was thinking it would be impossible to create a sequel that would live up to it. Boy, was I wrong!
When I first out found out that Jake Thorn, the evil villain from Halo was returning, I didn't know what to think. I thought he did a fine job progressing the story in the first book but I thought spending a whole new book with him would get a bit boring. You can imagine how thrilled I was when I found out that Bethany would be stuck with him for almost the whole book. But after spending 50 pages with Jake down in Hades I was hooked and wanted to learn more about his character (though I wasn't hooked enough to switch from Team Xavier to Team Jake).
I love the way Jake acts like all Beth's kidnapping was all right. Jake is a great villain and I was glad I got to know him better!
I was disappointed in Bethany's charachter. She has gotten a lot more boring since Halo, so maybe Jake was right, maybe "pretty boy" isn't good for her. She used to be very wise, and she still is but in this one she doesn't keep up a interesting narrative, just moans about how bad hell is for her.
I think that the way Adornetto depicted hell (or as it's elite habitats call it, Hades) was very intriguing. The demons get to dance around with the "lucky" humans all day, well the not so lucky ones get to be tortured all day and then the next day wake up and get the same exact torture repeated. I liked the way most of the members of Hell call the devil "big daddy" and though I don't like to admit it, all the demons had a great, though twisted, sense of humor.
I once again, would like to say how much respect I have for Adorrnetto. She wrote a book any author would be proud of, and at the age of 19 pulling that off is truly amazing. Her writing style has gotten so much better!
I really liked this book; it definitely does Halo justice. I can wait for the 3rd and final book in this trilogy, Heaven, to come out. But that's a while away because this book isn't even out yet. I'm going to be so sad to send this book to the next person on the tour so I'll definitely buy my own copy when the book comes out.
Hades is a awesome novel that truly has it all!
Book Battle Update: This is my 21st book read in the book battle! YAY!
Thanks to Around the World ARC Tours for letting me on this tour.
Hades will be released August 30th, preorder it on Amazon.
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