August 31, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday (2)
“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill atBreak the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases I'm eagerly anticipating.
All Titles Link to their Goodreads Page
Title: Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Author: Laini Taylor
Release Date: September 27th
My thoughts: They were handing out the first couple chapters of this book at the Tattered Cover and I loved that, I can't wait for this! Luckily I'm on a ARC tour for it.
Title: Breadcrumbs
Author: Anne Ursu
Release Date: September 27th
My thoughts: I love fairy tale spin-offs and this book's cover is gorgeous! I'm on a ARC tour for this one as well.
August 30, 2011
Want to Go Private? (ARC)
When Abby meets Luke online, she can’t believe her luck. He’s nice. He’s funny. He listens to her and he thinks she’s pretty. He even gets jealous of other guys, which is adorable. Without Luke, Abby’s not sure how she’d make it through her first year of high school. Everyone, including her mom and her best friend, Faith, tells Abby that if she just made more of an effort, she’d be having fun instead of dreading each and every day as if it’s a prison sentence. But there’s nothing fun about being the lowest link in the social food chain.
Teaser Tuesday 8/30

- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
August 29, 2011
It's Monday! What are you Reading?
In my Mailbox (15)
August 26, 2011
Goliath (ARC)

The tension thickens as the Leviathan steams toward New York City with a homicidal lunatic on board: secrets suddenly unravel, characters reappear, and nothing is at it seems in this thunderous conclusion to Scott Westerfeld’s brilliant trilogy.
Darth Paper Strikes Back
Summary:The hilarious, clever, and much-anticipated follow-up to the breakout hit, The Strange Case of Origami Yoda.
With his proven knack for humorously exploring the intrigues, fads, and dramas of middle school, Tom Angleberger has crafted a worthy sequel to his breakout bestseller.
I think that the characters in this book are some of the best of all time. Tommy is the character that is rather off to the side but knows what going on. Harvey is the nerdy jerk who always has to be right (sound like anyone we know, Benji?) and then there's Dwight, our hero and the super awesome creator of Origami Yoda. Though Dwight always means well he just doesn't always carry it out well.August 25, 2011
To Denver I must Go!
Follow (my Book Blog) Friday!
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Q. In some books like the Sookie Stackhouse series the paranormal creature in question "comes out of the closet" and makes itself known to the world. Which mythical creature do you wish this would happen with in real life?
August 24, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday (4)
“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill atBreak the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases I'm eagerly anticipating.
All titles link to their Goodreads Page
Palace of the Damned (The Saga of Larten Crepsley, Book Two) by Darren Shan
Release Date: September 30
My thoughts: I love, love, love, Darren Shan. He's one of the best horror authors around. Team Larten!
The Medusa Plot (The 39 Clues, Cahills vs Vespers, Book Two) by Gordon Korman
Release Date: August 30
My thoughts: I like this series though it has some major flaws. Korman is one of the best writers in the series and I'm glad we'll have more of him in this book.
The Name of the Star (Shades of London, Book One) by Maureen Johnson
Release date: September 29
My thoughts: I love a good murder mystery, and who's more famous for mysterious murders then Jack the Ripper himself? Thankfully I'm on a ARC tour for this so that cuts the waiting a bit. But still, I can't wait.
The Way we Fall by Megan Crewe
Release Date: January 24, 2012
My thoughts: I found about this on a friend's blog and the cover is so great, just like I hope this book will be!
August 23, 2011
Darth Paper Strikes Back Art Giveaway Winner!

Teaser Tuesday 8/23

- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
August 22, 2011
It's Monday! What are you Reading? 8/22
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading This Week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It was created by J.Kaye’s Book Blog, but is now being hosted by Sheila from One Person’s Journey Through a World of Books so stop by and join in!
Books I Read Last Week:Pregnant Pause by Han Nolan
Books I'm Currently Reading:
Goliath (Leviathan trilogy, Book Three) by Scott Westerfeld
Far From the War (Far From the War trilogy, Book One) by Jeffrey David Payne
Blood (Mercian trilogy, Book One) by K.G. Wignall
Books I Hope to Read this Week:
The Odd Job Squad by Karl Fields
Juliet Immortal by Stacey Jay
Darth Paper Strikes Back (An Origami Yoda Book, Book Two) by Tom Angleberger
What are you reading this week?
August 21, 2011
In my Mailbox (14)
August 18, 2011
Hades (ARC)

The Tower of Parlen Min Giveaway (Blog Tour)

August 17, 2011
Waiting on Wednesday (3)
“Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Jill at Break the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases I'm eagerly anticipating.
All titles link to their Goodreads Page
Title: Crossed
Author: Ally Condie
Release Date: November 1st
My thoughts: I was a huge fan of the first book, Matched, and luckily I'm on the ARC tour for it!
Yay! I also get to see Ally when she comes to Seattle in November, double yay!
Title: The Son of Neptune
Author: Rick Riordan
Release Date: October 1st
My thoughts: I love, love, love, anything Rick Riordan writes, and after reading the first chapter for free online I am breathless with anticipation!
Title: The Hunger Games: Official Movie Companion
Author: Scholastic
Release Date: February 1, 2012
My Thoughts: The Hunger Games is my favorite series of all time and I can't wait for the movie or this companion!
Darth Paper Strikes Back Drawing Giveaway

August 16, 2011
Teaser Tuesday 8/16

- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

Name Change!
August 15, 2011
Dark Eden (ARC)

Patrick Carman's Dark Eden is a provocative exploration of fear, betrayal, memory, and— ultimately—immortality.
Everyone's afraid of something, we all know that. Except what happens when their phobias get bigger and bigger and then cripple their entire life? Well, you send them to Dark Eden, a prison-like bunker in the middle of the woods of course! This book explores the same concept as The School of Fear except a lot darker, more serious, and much less funny.
The one flaw that really weighed down this book was the main character, our narrator Will. He was very boring, he would just recite everything that happened but never actually do anything, except sit in a bomb shelter eating Cliff bars. Aside from Will I didn't mind all the other characters in this book. Meresa, Will's love interest, stands out in particular. She's very thoughtful and doesn't want to be the center of attention which I guess is the perfect girl for Will, who has a phobia of being around most of his peers and hanging out in groups. The other five teens at Dark Eden weren't around enough for me to decide if I liked them or not. I also enjoyed Davis, even after we find out... (won't say anymore so not to spoil the book for anyone else).
Sound plays a big part in the book and I think that part was interesting. Will makes little audio sessions on his recorder and sometimes we get to hear them and that fascinated me. There is also a Dark Eden multimedia app where the story is told in video, sound, and text. I think that is perfect for this book and it will only be a matter of time in until we see this in the movie theaters.
Patrick Carman has a nice writing style that matches the book very well. His narrative was so suspenseful!
This story was so much to take in and I really wish Carman had made it a trilogy or longer because it's so complex. This book was a cool, suspenseful, mystery that has lots of potential.
Book Battle Update: This is my 19th book read in the book battle, Maddz has read 17!
Thanks for Around the World ARC tours for providing this ARC.
Dark Eden will be released November 1st, preorder it on Amazon.