June 15, 2012

Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop: Win a Box of Books!

Welcome to my stop Clear Your Shelf Giveaway Hop hosted by I Am A Reader, Not a Writer
Here's What's Up for Grabs:
1 Mystery Box of Books

Most will be YA, a few middle grades, and perhaps a adult novel or two.

Enter after the page break!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Start hopping!


  1. Fool by Christopher Moore has been on my book shelf for so long! =D

  2. Saving Max, I won it and still have yet to read it, but that doesn't happen very often:)

  3. I have had America (The Book) by Jon Stewart on my shelf for years. I don't think I'll ever get around to reading it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. A bunch of translated Saiunkouku Monogatari light novels, a stack of manga, some classics I bought at a sale and Wanderlove by Kristin Hubbard.

  5. The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and Several novels from the Outlander series (I've only finished the first one)

  6. Ugh, I have a TON of books that have been waiting for months to be read! To name a few...Wildflowers in Winter, Cinder, Wings of a Dream, and There You'll Find Me.

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  7. I still haven't finished the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and my husband bought those quite awhile ago! Also Blood Red Road and a ton of Jodi Picoult (though I'm working my way through those). :)

  8. Oh god, I have so many to read. I would have to say Insurgent by Veronica Roth, Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins, & Possess by Gretchen McNeil. And Yay for Mystery boxes! =)

  9. The Vampire Diaries, Nightshade, Strange Angels, Betrayals, Personal Demons, Night World and some of the Roswell High are some of the books I have that I haven't read yet. And that's not counting my bookshelves on my Nook!

  10. The Secret Circle, Morganville Vampires, Jessica's Guide to Dating the Dark side just to name a few.

  11. You Against Me, The Lost Saint, Vanish, Supernaturally and some MG books

  12. Summer and the City, and The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell, The Water Wars, Lily & Dash's Book of Dares... I really wish I could make time to fit them in somewhere, I will try extra hard this summer :)

    Thank you for your generosity, and for sharing that which is yours with us. Also, for being part of this blog hop, and for this wonderful giveaway...

    Name: Hira Hasnain
    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. I have a bunch of books that were requested by authors that I am really, really late on... :/

  14. Beautiful Demons, Bloody Little Secrets, Hollowland, and If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period...to name a few. So far behind!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  15. Thanks for the great offer of books


  16. It's a shame I say this but yes, some books have been forever on my shelf, like some Dragonlance stories XD.
    Thanks a lot!

  17. Emma by Jane Austen, but I am going to read it this summer...hopefully!


  18. Forget you, Second Chance Summer, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour and Lola and the Boy Next Door! Just haven't ever been able to get to read them...... haha

  19. Anna and the French Kiss. It has great reviews. So I am looking forward to reading it.

  20. Neil Gaiman's The American God. I read it for about a quarter of it and have put it on hold for a while. I dunno... it's just not for me and I don't really bother about the main character much. But I guess I'll pick it up some time later and read it again :D
    Thank you for the chance to win!

  21. A lot of books! For example Everlost by Neal Shusterman or Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman!

  22. Only one... Firefly Lane. I don't often have unread books.
    Tracy A.J.

  23. Marley and Me! I think I haven't picked it up yet because I know the story line from the movie and I know it will make me cry. Someday soon though :)

  24. The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I wanted to read it straight away but I lent it to two friends once I bought it cause I was already reading 6 other books... and one of my friends dog eared the pages for bookmarks! How disrespectful :(

  25. I have a bunch of history book that have been on my shelf for ages (one is about the Vikings). They're fun to read, but I've just been distracted by so much awesome fiction books lately :)

  26. divergent and pandemonium, I still haven't gotten to lol

  27. The Matched series, Across the Universe, Wither, um......and a lot more. I'm slow.

  28. Inheritance by Paolini and Silence by Fitzpatrick! Why have I not read them yet??? I don't know.

  29. I've had a bunch of Stephen King books on my shelf that I still haven't read lol =)

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  30. I have tons of books from previous library book sales that I haven't had the opportunity to read.

  31. I have tons of books on my shelf that I haven't read, I have the entire Mortal Instruments series thats just sitting there waiting to be read lol!

  32. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. I KNOW!*facepalmed*

  33. I have so many books on my shelf that I still need to read...it's almost embarrassing! But, the one that sticks out the most is Fire by Kristin Cashore. I read and loved

  34. I have a lot of books waiting for me! Tempest and Witch Song are two of the ones I want to read first!

  35. Thanks for the giveaway! I have a ton of books I have yet to read...a lot of vintage mysteries - Nancy Drew, Dana Girls, Ruth Fielding, etc. - I've had for years and never read.

  36. I'm ashamed to admit that I probably have about 100 books on my "To Be Read" pile. I have a book-buying obsession and I buy them waaay faster than I can read them.

  37. The list is so long it's embarrassing. Howl's Moving Castle, which I always hear glowing reviews about, comes to mind first:)

  38. too many to name but a few are Switched, The Goddess Test, Hollyweird, The List, All That Bleeds, and many many more.

  39. I have so many books on my shelves that I haven't read yet. The one that stands out when I look at one of my shelves is The Faerie Path.

  40. The last two books in the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa have been on my shelf forever! I need to get to them!

  41. So many in my TBR pile at home - I still have to read Clockwork Prince and The Iron Queen!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  42. The Beautiful Creature series. I really need to get to them, but I keep finding other book to read.

  43. Oh my goodness I have too many to name! Some are Dreaming Anastasia, Room, Hex Hall + a lot more!

  44. WAY too many...I'm going to try to finally get around to Incarnate, The Sky is Everywhere, and Partials this summer though.

  45. The Vampire Academy series >.> I kept meaning to pick em up but never did

  46. Hmm, probably The Alchemyst series by Michael Scott. I won the first book many many moons ago, and I believe the 6th book in the series just came out!

  47. I've had the first five books of The Vampire Academy series for a while, but I still haven't them.


  48. Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols.

  49. Hmm... there's a lot haha. I've had Partials, an ARC of Hunt by Andrew Fukuda, the Immortal Rules. Ugh, I have way too many. Thanks for the giveaway(:

  50. The Truth About Celia Frost is still on my shelf, I won that last year some time! Also, Destined by P.C and Kristin Cast!

  51. the Twilight saga has been on my shelf forever and ever. I just can't seem to find time to finish it (and the negative publicity about the whole series definitely doesn't help! :)

  52. The goddess test series and the host have been on my shelf, the sad thing is that they are bought and right there on my shelf, just haven't had the time yet :/

  53. A Clash of Kings by George R R Martin. I love Game of Thrones the show but haven't had time to get to those huge books.

  54. Oh goodness- SOOOO many! And I can't even think of any right now because they're in boxes ready for the big move to the new house next week!

    I'm reading 13 Reasons Why right now, which had been on my TBR for-ev-errr

  55. I have a pile of really old historical novels I haven't gotten to yet.
    april yedinak

  56. paranormalcy, intertwined... a few more lol

  57. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I bought it when it came out and still have not read it. Thank you for the giveaway! (=

  58. Rachel Vincent's The Soul Screamers. I haven't started it yet.

  59. The first book I added on GoodReads (that I already owned for awhile) was "The Lab" by Jack Heath. A little more than a year since I got my GoodReads account and definitely longer since I've had the book, and I still haven't read it yet!

  60. Eat, Pray, Love! Still haven't gotten to it.

  61. DEARLY DEPARTED... I've been distracted with other books and things, haha.

  62. I still have Crossed by Ally Condie sitting on my shelf, patiently waiting for my perusal. *Sigh*

  63. I have had the ARC of Insignia on my shelf since NCTE in November and haven't read it yet. I just read a friend's book review on it yesterday and it has definitely moved up my TBR pile!

  64. I have had Life of Pi on my shelf forever and I just don't know if I will ever pick it up.

  65. The Chemistry Series has been on my shelves for awhile and just keep skipping them :( I know I will get to them though.

  66. Ender's Game and The Princess Bride have been on my list to read forever and I still haven't read them...this year I hope!

  67. Soul Screamers vol. 1 by Rachel Vincent. I don't know why I haven't bothered reading it yet.

  68. Erm...LOADS?? Lol. Especially the classics like The Iliad and Sherlock Holmes Series.

  69. Thanks for the giveaway! I've had Diana Gabaldon's Outlander on my shelf for 4 years now and still haven't read. There's never enough time!

  70. Well I'm reading it now, but Insurgent has been on my desk for three days and it feels like months! (: I just finished a book I bought about 4 months ago... I think I'm fairly well upto date, otherwise!

  71. Shatter Me. Thank you for the giveaway!

  72. How mad will you be when I admit that Insurgent is sitting there unread. Yeah I know. There's actually too many to name but a couple more I really want to get to is Fracture and Bittersweet.


  73. The Shiver series by Maggie Steifvater. I bought the whole series over a year ago, and still haven't read them all!

  74. You can't imagine how many I have unread. Me and my granddaughter are reading them and still so far behind. Since school is out and the sports are on the back burner, I am hoping to get close to reading most:)

  75. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I seriously have a ton of books on my shelves that I haven't gotten to yet. I can't even begin to name them all!!

  76. I seriously need to read the rest of Rebel
    Angels and The Sweet Far Thing

  77. Extraordinary and the first two books in the Tomorrow Girls series

  78. Shatter Me and Cinder are still TBR for me. I am looking forward to them though.

  79. Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince & Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. I read the first 5 books in high school, but book 5 pissed me off so badly I haven't been able to bring myself to read the other two.

  80. I've had Switched by Amanda Hocking on my shelf for at least 4 months. Thank you for the giveaway.

  81. There are so many! I am notorious for a long TBR list, but I'd have to say The Power of Six, Lost in Time, Leviathan, Behemoth, & Goliath, and more!

  82. I have so many that I haven't read yet. Such as Uglies, City of Angels, and Matched.

  83. The Life of Pi. I keep meaning to read it but something else always distracts me.

  84. Good Omens by Neil Gaimen and Terry Prachett, Raw Blue by Kristy Eagar, Amplified by Tara Kelly, Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld, A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, Skinny by Ibi Kaslik, The Iron Thorn by Caitlin Kitteredge, While I Live by John Marsden, Triangles by Ellen Hopkins, The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson, and The Babysitter Murders by Janet Ruth Young to name a few :). I have a lot of reading ahead of me.

  85. I actually haven't had very many on my shelf for a "long" time. I had previously read every book on my shelf up until January-now which is when I accumulated way more books than I could read. I have about 60 unread books on my shelf now.

  86. I have three Steve Berry books I really want to finish.

  87. "Me Just Different" by Stephanie Morrill

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  88. Marked by PC Cast. Still don't know if I'm going to read it. The reviews aren't stellar.

  89. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows. Just haven't had the time!!

  90. TOO MANY. But the first that come to my mind are the remainder of the Stephanie Plum books. I am on book 11. I probably should catch up some time soon (I have them, they just haven't been read...)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  91. Lament by Maggie Stiefvater!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. The Vampire Diaries books. I haven't had a chance to start on them yet.

  93. Brisingr! thanks for the giveaway :)

  94. A lot. Divergent has been on my shelf for a couple months now. Article 5 has been there even longer. And I need to read and review A Beautiful Evil by the end of this month. It's been on my shelf for a couple of weeks now. There are a ton of books I still need to read that are just sitting on my shelf.

  95. I walk past The Time Travelers (book 1 of he Gideons Trilogy) almost every morning, and I still have yet to read it! There are also a handful of books in my dad's basement that I bought back in high school that I still haven't read. I don't think I'll be getting to those anytime soon though because he lives in another state. What a dilemma!

  96. I've had City of Fallen Angels on my shelf for over a year. I even bought City of Lost Souls to motivate me to read it, but I'm terrified that I'll hate the new plot of the story. The first three books were great, but I don't want to ruin the series if I don't like the new books :/

  97. Oh my gosh, I have so many! The House of Night novels by P.C. Cast come to mind, I have the whole series, just haven't started any of them yet for some reason! LOL

  98. TONS. Off the top of my head, The Lost Gate by Orson Scott Card.

  99. I can't even think of any right now because they're in boxes actually 4 big boxes... my shelves are full but i have read them...

  100. I've been meaning to start the Outlander series since forever and read more of the In Death and Anita Blake series. I'll probalby tackle them in the Summer.

  101. I have several that I was just burning to read and just have not been able to pick up for one reason or another. I waited forever for The Night Circus and just cannot do it :) Thank you for the fun giveaway opportunity.

  102. Quite a few, Born Wicked, The Scorpio Races, The Power of Six

  103. i have so many books i just haven't had the time to read, including (but definitely not limited to) Shiver, Thirteen Reasons Why, Wither and the entire Glass & Study series.

  104. The Catastrophic History of You and Me, The Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer, Pure by Julianna Baggot. Those are just a very few on my bookshelf. There are many many more on my bookshelf and Kindle as well. And more being added to my TBR everyday. Lol. Thanks for the giveaway!

  105. Oh way too many to even think about. Just too many great authors to try and not nearly enough time to read.


  106. That would be a very long list. I have so many books in my TBR pile that I have piles around my room. But a few include: Peter Nimble, A Brief History of Montmaray, Trouble Twisters, Divergent,etc.

  107. have shelves full like bloodrose,fever, iron prince. Just to name a few

  108. I have lots of good Christian books I have to read.Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. Don't have any at the moment, that's why this giveaway is timely!

  110. Many,many books but I have had Shoot Don't Shoot by JA Jance on my shelf for about the longest time!

  111. I got the first two books in the Maze Runner series a couple of years back and I STILL haven't read them.

  112. ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and about a million others.

  113. Kantana by Cole Gibsen and A Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix

  114. I don't even want to think about it *stares at shelf*...probably Lissa Price's STARTERS is my OMG-I-WANNA-READ-IT-BUT-WHY-CAN'T-I-EVER-FIND-THE-TIME book.

    Lilian @ A Novel Toybox

  115. Sweetwater Gap.... someday I'll get to read it.

  116. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Someday...

  117. Sadly quite a few, Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini, though its recently been promoted to read soon shelf! I tend to forget all about the ones I buy whilst paying much more attention to ones I have won or ARCs I have been sent.

  118. The Black Cauldron has been on my shelf for years!

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. Since the last library sale there have been quite a few that I picked up on dime day that I just have not gotten around to yet. Off the top of my head I have "The Exploration Code" waiting for me and also I have to read the Mythos Academy series soon, I feel like I am missing out on it!

  121. All My Holy Mountain by L.B. Graham. It's the last book in a series that I absolutely love... but somehow I haven't managed to read it yet... in the 3 (4?) years I've owned it. But someday I will! :D

  122. I have Witches of East End, Envy, Cold Kiss, and Fateful. I have a ton more but those are the only ones I can think of at the moment.

  123. So many, here we go. Dark Kiss, Anna Dressed in Blood, and City of Lost Souls!

  124. Oh boy...I have a ton of Stephen King and V.C. Andrews that have been there forever and most haven't been read :(

  125. A few Stephen King books are on my to read shelf

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  126. Oh gosh, there's so many! I still have Silence (Hush, Hush) and Forever (Wolves of Mercy Falls) that I haven't read and I've had them since the week they came out >.<

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. There are a lot of books on my shelf that I have years before and still haven't read.

    Among them are gifts by ursula le guin, The Sex Life of My Aunt by Mavis Cheek, Pandora's Closet by Martin Greenberg, Apocalypse: The Coming Judgement of the Nations by Grant R. Jeffrey.

  128. Crossed by Allie Condie....still sits there.

  129. A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin.
    Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

  130. An unbelievable amount of books have been sitting there forever, but I will go with Across The Universe.

  131. A Thousand Splendid Sun, The Handmaid's Tale & The Giver have still not been read.

  132. Oh man, I have bookcases of books that I haven't read. The dustiest one is a boxset of The Chronicles of Narnia that I received over 30 years ago!! My goal is to read that set to my kids this year!

  133. Harpys Flight by megan lindholm, it's sitting patiently but keeps getting pushed aside as something prettier calls my name.

  134. Game of thrones & The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Thanks for the giveaway.

  135. The Drowned Cities by...I'm not even gonna try to remember how to spell his name. -_- Haha, but thanks for the great giveaway! :)

  136. Thanks for the giveaway! Ive had Sweet Evil for a few weeks now and havent had the time to even touch it!

  137. Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld series

  138. I have a brand new copy of 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami sitting on my shelf! I'm absolutely dying to read it, but just don't seem to be able to find enough time to commit to reading it!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  139. I'll only say my actual books, because my Kindle app is so full of books waiting to be read. The Death Cure--I sort of started it forever ago, it's an ARC and evreything--so it's a REALLY long time, but never got around to reading more than, like, the first two-ish chapters. So sad it's been sitting there so long. And Nothing Special has been sitting there for a good chunk of time.

    Have an amazing day, Benji!

  140. So many! A lot of classics like War and Peace that I never got to reading.

  141. I have a couple anthologies I have yet to read..so many good books come out I just cant resist! !! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  142. Books 2 and 3 in the Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

  143. A book I haven't read (that turns into a series) is The Curse of the Spider King by Wayne Thomas Batson. My mom got it for me in middle school and I'm ashamed I've never read it...

  144. Insurgent... I'm DYING HERE!!!

  145. Across the Universe! I'm dying to read it, but just haven't had time yet!

  146. The Power of Six...keep putting it off...

  147. Insurgent.... got it a couple weeks ago and it's sitting there waiting for me to read it. Darn you exams!!! :P

  148. Vampire diaries, I started watching the show before I got a chance to read it and found out I loved the show a lot but I have heard the books aren't good after the first one. So I haven't read them yet.

  149. I have way too many books on my shelf that have been unread for too long including: 'A Game of Thrones', 'The Graveyard Book', 'In The First Circle', 'The Kite Runner', 'Inkspell' and 'Inkdeath', and too many more to mention :(

  150. I have a lot I haven't read because I am missing books in the series. Like Black Dagger Brotherhood series which I have only three books and The Night Huntress series which I have only two and some other ones too. Thanks for giveaway!
    -Maritza R

  151. Evermore and Blue Moon by Alice Noel, Remembrance and a lot of books that are later books in a series that I'm waiting to get first books of.

  152. I got on a Jodi Picoult kick a while back and so people started giving me several of her books. I read 3 or 4 of them, but I probably have 4 or 5 that I haven't touched yet.

  153. There are so many :( I'll go with Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series. I've read one or two, but was waiting until the series finished to read them all.

  154. Discovery of Witches. I have had it forever!!

    GFC Michele Luker

    jmluker at vhtmail dot net

  155. The Three Musketeers has been on my shelf forever. One of these days I'll get around to it.

  156. Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

  157. That's a loaded question! :P I have way too many that have just been sitting on my shelf, waiting to be read, so I'm not going to list them all. But one I really want to get to is Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler.

  158. I have so many its not even funny!!! Ill say Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I have all 3 but havent read them yet so at this stage Ill wait till Finale comes out and read all 4. I entered as Natalie Cleary.

  159. A Perfect Storm by Lori Foster

  160. The Vampire Diaries. Someone gave them to me, but I just like reading other books. :P

  161. Ash by Malinda Lo and Fallen by Lauren Kate

    they haven't really interested me much


  162. A million Harlequin ones I need to get on that!I have an addiction I keep adding books when I haven't even read half the ones I own!

  163. Harry Potter, my sister owns all of the books but I havn't wanted to comit to a series that long and I have gotten distracted with other books :)

  164. Only a ton! I have Catching Fire and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins that I REALLY need to read, Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth, Matched and Crossed by Allie Condie and the complete (so far) Fallen series by Lauren Kate. That is just to name a few :)

  165. Fallen and bunch of historical romances...if they were in the same series I would probably have read them but their not.

  166. Inside Out (Insider, #1) by Maria V. Snyde

  167. I have a ton of books on my shelves/kindle that I haven't gotten to yet. So I would say is the rest of the mediator series by meg cabot

  168. I only have a few I've not read yet, all Clive Barker. I read most books within a week of finding them but these have been siting for a few years now.

  169. Wow... so many! One of them is The Midnight Children by Salman Rushdie.

  170. Too many to list but Texas Gothic and Firelight are 2 that I really wanted to read but haven't yet.

  171. Homecoming of Samuel Lake

  172. I have a few different books that I have not read yet. One is the Vampire Dairies.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  173. I have a couple of books that I haven't read = I am Number Four, The Host (stayed on ch. 2), Water For Elephants.


  174. Die For Me by Amy Plum.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  175. Graceling! I want to read it so badly but I also want to have time to really enjoy it :)

  176. the host by stephanie meyer..i dont like it.
    thanks for the giveaway ^^

  177. mostly books I have been given...some Clive Cussler, books 12 through ??? of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series! and many more! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  178. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I seriously have a ton of books on my shelves

    sunshine_pinkystar at yahoo dot com

  179. Thank you for awesome giveaway!
    and I don't know why I still haven't read Stolen: A letter to my captor by Lucy Christopher!

  180. the one that has been there the longest, despite the fact that I've started it 3 times, Cold Mountain.

  181. The Inkheart Trilogy has been on my shelf for a few years and I still haven't read them yet. I have quite a few books that I haven't got around to reading yet.


  182. Love this giveaway!

    missymyt (at) hotmail (dot) com

  183. I have a few Sylvia Plath books that have been on my shelf since high school. I bought them after reading The Bell Jar and just never got around to reading them.

    the imagine tree at aol dot com


Thank you for the comment, I love and appreciate each and every one! As of March 2012, The Non Reluctant Reader is an awards-free zone. I'm honored to be considered, but do not currently have the time to pass the award on. Comments are the best award I can receive though! If the comment requires a reply, please be sure to check back for one. If it is a feature/meme leave a link to your post and I will stop by and comment if I get the chance!

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